25-27 Oct,2016 in Daiba (24-26 Oct TIMM in Shibuya)


Strangers in the Wild

シネマメディアージュ スクリーン12

10月25日(火) 16:45-18:28(2014/103分/韓国、スペイン、モロッコ)


Two men from completely different cultures meet to settle a personal competition. A Korean actor and a Spanish TV star embark on a fascinating adventure that will take them to the most remote corners of the planet. They’ll discover different cultures from different perspectives. Rock climbing to the top a 400m cliff in Morocco, a triathlon to the highest mountain in Korea and crossing the Sahara desert. Find out who the winner will be in this wild adventure where the two hosts will grow their friendship and passion for competition.


キャスト Jea-min, Park
Raul Gomez
ジャンル Entertainment / Reality
上映時間 103分
サイズ 1920*1080
カラー/モノクロ カラー


MountainTV 担当:Jiwon, Kwon
TEL | +82-70-7492-9900
E-mail | jwkwon10@mountaintv.co.kr
