25-27 Oct,2016 in Daiba (24-26 Oct TIMM in Shibuya)


The Summer Is Gone

シネマメディアージュ スクリーン12

10月27日(木) 16:45-18:35(2015/110分/中国)


The story is about a boy, living with his family in a state-owned film studio in Hohhot. In the years of early 1990’s, most of the state enterprises turned on to bankrupt and privatize. At the point view of Lei, the boy, this change was the most remarkable print cut of his youth montages.

©by courtesy of the producer

監督 ZHANG Dalei
キャスト KONG Weiyi (孔维一)
ZHANG Chen (张晨)
ジャンル Drama
上映時間 110分
サイズ 1.85
カラー/モノクロ モノクロ
原語 中国


PAD international 担当:Mr. SUN Ning
TEL | +86-135-0101-4761
E-mail | sunymedia@163.com
